Kenya: on 18/10 the webinar of AICSand the Embassy of Italy at the ASviS Festival for Sustainable Development

Nairobi, Kenya – The Embassy of Italy in Kenya and the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation in Nairobi will participate in the sixth edition of the Sustainable Development Festival organized by the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASviS). The event, recognized by the United Nations as an innovative and unique initiative at an international level, focuses on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda. The Festival represents the largest Italian event to raise the awareness of citizens, businesses and institutions on the issues of economic, social and environmental sustainability. Over the past 5 years, over 3500 events have been held, reaching thousands.

The event proposed by the AICS office in Kenya in partnership with the Italian Embassy in Nairobi will be held on Tuesday 18 October from 11:30 to 13:00 in Nairobi (10:30 – 12:00 Italian time): the webinar will focus on the climate-smart approach of Italian cooperation in the country. This approach aims to enhance and make sustainable the coffee supply chain, a sector in which Italy boasts decades of experience and which can be considered an excellence. Registration for the webinar at the dedicated link is recommended.

The Agency in Kenya is active with the ‘Relaunch of gourmet coffee production in Kenya’ initiative carried out by CEFA and AVSI in partnership with E4Impact: the project activities are concentrated along the entire supply chain, from bean to cup, with actions for improve the cultivation and roasting of coffee beans, as well as the management of cooperatives and, above all, the traceability, marketing and branding of Kenyan coffee.

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