Inauguration of the coffee laboratory marks a new milestone in the partnership between Italy and Kenya

Kiambu, 03/18/2024 - Today the Director of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (Aics), Marco Riccardo Rusconi, took part in the delivery and inauguration ceremony of a coffee laboratory in the County of Kiambu, financed by the Italian Cooperation as part of the Arabika project. This event, held at the 'Kiambu Coffee Growers Cooperative Union', saw the presence of the owner of the AICS office in Nairobi, Giovanni Grandi, and various stakeholders and partners, including the local government, United Nations agencies and representatives of Lavazza and Illy. Coffee is a central element of Kenya's economy, supporting over one million families.

In recent years, Kenya has witnessed a notable increase in local consumption, reflecting changing consumer preferences and presenting new opportunities for economic growth and job creation. The inauguration of the coffee laboratory in Kiambu County marks a significant milestone in this partnership: equipped with roasting machines and coffee extraction tools, the laboratory will play an important role in improving the quality and competitiveness of Kenyan coffe .

The initiative is part of the 'Kenya-Italy Sustainable Development Partnership' launched in 2023 together with the Kenyan authorities: this is the strategic document that indicates the line of action of the Italian Cooperation with Kenya for the next five years, defining a programmatic framework indicative of wide-ranging cooperation between the two countries.

During the ceremony, AICS Director Marco Riccardo Rusconi underlined the importance of exchanging knowledge in promoting positive change. In highlighting the role of Italian experience in coffee cultivation, roasting and quality control, he reiterated Italy's commitment to supporting Kenya's journey towards coffee excellence.

Giovanni Grandi, Head of the Nairobi Regional Office of the AICS, underlined the importance of the technical support and capacity building offered by Italy, adding that the presence of the main Italian coffee companies, Lavazza and Illy, demonstrates the potential for stronger ties between Italian and Kenyan coffee producers.


*** Background info

The "Arabika: Relaunching Gourmet Coffee Production in Kenya" initiative is financed by AICS in Kenya and is implemented through the Civil Society Organizations CEFA, AVSI Foundation and with the collaboration of E4Impact. The initiative, in its fourth year of implementation, affects the entire coffee supply chain, with the aim of improving the income and resilience of small producers in rural communities and increasing the employment inclusion of women and young people. In practice, the aim is to improve access to markets, both locally and globally, ensuring sustainable production and a greater economic return for small coffee lovers. Arabika, the result of a dialogue that began in 2018 between the Italian and Kenyan counterparts, is in line with the coffee supply chain development strategies of the Kenyan government and the counties. Arabika takes place in seven counties, involving 21 producer cooperatives that bring together over 40,000 small coffee farmers. Among the main results achieved, we highlight the renovation of seven laboratories for coffee tasting with important infrastructural interventions and the provision of innovative machinery and equipment, the training of hundreds of trainers, farmers and cooperative managers.

The new office of the AICS regional headquarters was inaugurated in Nairobi

Nairobi, 18 March 2024 – The new headquarters of the regional office of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (Aics) in Nairobi were officially inaugurated this afternoon. The Nairobi regional office is responsible for Kenya, Somalia, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and the Republic Democrat of the Congo.

The inauguration ceremony, which culminated with the cutting of the ribbon by the Italian Ambassador to Kenya Roberto Natali and the Director of Aics, Marco Riccardo Rusconi, took place in the presence of around 200 guests including organizations from the Civil Society, United Nations Agencies, representatives of Ministries and local institutions of Kenya, cooperation agencies and heads of mission from partner countries, representatives of the private sector and young local leaders.

The event took place during the mission of a high-level delegation from Rome led by the Director General for Development Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and of the International Cooperation, Stefano Gatti, engaged in a series of visits to the countries of the East African area (Ethiopia, Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya) to identify projects together with the partner countries to be included in the Mattei Plan.

The guests were welcomed by the opening words of Ambassador Natali, who underlined the strategic importance of Africa: "It is said that Africa is the continent of the future, but I believe that Africa is instead the continent of the present; that's what we are for committed in Kenya to cooperate and to do it together with our partners, with a view to co-development and mutual benefit".

The Director of Aics, Marco Riccardo Rusconi, underlined in his speech that "The Agency also plays a key role within the Mattei Plan launched by the Italian Government: the strategy aims to write a new page in relations between Italy and Africa, investing in key sectors that represent shared priorities with the involvement of Italian excellence".

The Director of the AICS regional office in Nairobi, Giovanni Grandi, concluded by declaring: "The office we are inaugurating today is responsible for the implementation of cooperation initiatives in seven East African countries, including two priority countries for Italian Cooperation, which are Kenya and Somalia. This area presents immense economic potential for the development of Africa; it is therefore of strategic importance for Italian Cooperation".

With a total portfolio of approximately 255 million Euros, which includes donated, aid credit and European Union-funded initiatives, the Aics regional headquarters in Nairobi collaborates with a vast network of local and international partners, operating in field of development and emergency to respond to the various challenges and fragilities that characterize a region that is as promising as it is complex.

The new AICS Nairobi Offices

Ambassador Roberto Natali and AICS Director Marco Rusconi cut the ribbon at the inauguration


Participants at the inauguration ceremony

From the left: Valeria Buoninfante, Deputy Head of Office, Giovanni Grandi, Head of AICS Nairobi Regional Office, H.E. Roberto Natali, Ambassador of Italy to Kenya, and Marco Rusconi, Director of AICS

Beyond any stigma: in the outskirts of Kenya, the fight against HIV starts from schools

"Look, I want to tell you a story to help you understand how things work here" Kaindi tells me, looking into the distance. "One evening, around 8 PM, I went out to get something to eat. I entered a small restaurant by the road, and the waitress asked me what I wanted to eat. Meat, I said. Then she told me I could choose between fried and boiled meat. I asked for fried meat. Then she disappeared for a while. Ten, twenty, thirty minutes. So I peeked behind the counter and noticed a door. I opened it: there was a tiny room with a bed and a stool inside, and she was waiting for me. That’s when I understood that I had just unknowingly ordered unprotected sex – the code word is fried meat. If I had ordered boiled meat, I would have had protected sex instead. It would have cost me 300 KES (about 2 Euros). I paid and left."

We are in Kenya, the third country in the world for HIV prevalence rates: about 1.6 million people live with HIV, many of whom are unaware of their condition. Machakos County is located about 60 km southeast of the capital Nairobi: it is an important commercial and agricultural hub, partly because it lies along the busy highway connecting the port of Mombasa to Nairobi and then to Uganda. Machakos is known not only for its scenic beauty but also for its high HIV prevalence rates, which have always been above the national average. I asked Kaindi why he thinks the county is known as a hotspot for infections, and he explained: "A lot of truck drivers pass through here continuously; and prostitution is a widespread phenomenon."

Benedict Kaindi is 68 years old and the director of the Kenyan Network of HIV-Positive Teachers (KENEPOTE), an organization that groups teachers living with HIV. The organization has been operating in Machakos since 2010, conducting training sessions for students and providing psychosocial support and valuable information on sexual and reproductive education. He explains that his work helps not only young people become aware of their condition and feel less isolated, but also teachers, who, by choosing to join the network, feel freer to discuss certain topics and less stigmatized. "There are still many legends and myths surrounding HIV: many still believe it is a curse, or that it can be cured by having intercourses with a virgin woman. Much of the information circulating is wrong or outdated. Together with No One Out, we have produced and distributed updated manuals, created in collaboration with the Kenyan Ministry of Education, with accurate information on transmission methods and reproductive health."

KENEPOTE has expanded in the last two years, obtained an office, and become more structured. The organization's members have increased from 20 to 60. This is also due to the support received from the Brescia-based NGO No One Out through the 'By Youth Side' initiative, funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation through the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria. The initiative, concluding in June 2024, aims to offer inclusive health services in the fight against HIV, strengthening Machakos' hospital infrastructure and combating discrimination against HIV-positive people, also involving peer educators.

Vanni De Michele, country representative of No One Out in Kenya, explains: "In the awareness sessions held in schools, we tried to involve peer educators, because having young people with similar experiences to those we are addressing makes them more comfortable and facilitates their disclosure." Disclosure is when an HIV-positive person fully acknowledges their condition and manages to reveal it to family, healthcare centers, and the community. "Being able to say it more or less openly is a great relief, making HIV-positive individuals feel less alone and, importantly, facilitating adherence to antiretroviral treatment."

Kaindi was 40 when he discovered he had contracted HIV, with severe symptoms that left him bedridden, unable to walk, hear, or speak for six months. "I didn't want to reveal it to my wife because I was afraid she would leave me. But she told me that with or without HIV, I would always be her husband, and she took care of me until I started treatment."

Harriet Katuku, principal of Kaseve Secondary School in Machakos, reveals that she is very satisfied with KENEPOTE's work. "So far, they have conducted three training sessions in our school, with students aged 14 to 17. Generally, at this age, students have no information about transmission and infections."

By Youth Side has reached 5,800 adolescents and young people in Machakos schools with training sessions on sexual education and disclosure. In addition, the initiative has worked on 'Youth Friendly Centres (YFC),' spaces dedicated to raising awareness among young people on issues such as sexual and reproductive health, HIV prevention, and sexually transmitted diseases, which better interact with adolescents and young adults. Hundreds of healthcare workers have been trained, nearly 10,000 adolescents have received home care services, and 1,440 adolescents and young women have been involved in the community prevention program for sexually transmitted diseases and cervical screening.

Benedict Kaindi during one of the awareness sessions at a secondary school in Machakos.

Benedict meets with students from schools in Machakos.


The students show some of the awareness materials received through the By Youth Side initiative.


Among the activities of By Youth Side, several awareness campaigns have been carried out targeting the communities of Machakos.