
The Nairobi office, in supporting the initiatives funded by the Italian Cooperation, leverages on a sound network of local, international and civil society partners. Among these, local institutions and ministries represent privileged stakeholders.

Within the civil society, relevant partners are the Italian Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) whose development projects are funded both through the annual Call for the CSOs and autonomous funding. In Kenya only, there are about 45 active Italian CSOs and 13 ongoing CSOs projects financed by AICS in areas such as agriculture, education, health and child protection. About half of the organizations actively participate in coordination meetings jointly promoted by the AICS office and the Italian embassy in Nairobi. Within this framework, based on fruitful experiences already developed in other countries, the CSOs have established an autonomous coordination mechanism divided into thematic clusters (child protection, food security, resilience and climate change; nutrition, water, hygiene and health).

Important is also the contribution to initiatives implemented by international organizations and United Nations agencies. Among these, CHIEAM, FAO, IOM, UN-HABITAT, UNDP, UNHCR, and WHO are worth to be mentioned.

[fa class="fa-handshake-o"]  institutions
[fa class="fa fa-spinner"]  organizations of the civil society