global fund

Direct funding of "synergistic initiatives" through grants provided by the Global Fund is one of the mechanisms through which the Italian Cooperation (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation) supports the fight against AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria. The initiatives currently ongoing in Kenya are:

  • - By Youth Side! Inclusive health services for young people in the fight against HIV (No One Out).
  • - Chao Study (Comorbidities in HIV/AIDS outpatients). Epidemiological research to reduce mortality in HIV patients (University of Rome "Tor Vergata").
  • - Born to be Healthy: prevention of mother-to-child transmission and combating the spread of HIV at the community level (Medicus Mundi Italia).
  • - The Net – Community-based malaria control program (World Friends).
  • - Promoting patient-centered care in TB treatment through the digitization of data at the facility and community levels (AMREF Italia).