Agricultural Development, Forestry, Fishing, Environment

The commitment of the Italian Cooperation in this sector has historically been aimed at reducing the climatic and environmental vulnerability of populations by encouraging the use of more sustainable agricultural approaches. In particular, projects in the agricultural sector aim to contributing to the adoption of sustainable agro-ecological models to ensure a qualitative and quantitative increase in production and better earnings for farmers. Initiatives in the agricultural sector are mainly concentrated in arid and semi-arid areas (ASAL), regions characterized by low human development and high vulnerability. The Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) promotes also initiatives on supporting the fight against climate change, implemented through the introduction of 'Climate Smart' agricultural practices. Those practices, not only favor adaptation to climate variability but also contribute to enhance food security for vulnerable groups.
Here a panoramic of some of our activities on the agricultural sector:

  1. Agro-hydraulic development project in Kerio Valley (West Pokot). Based on the agreement for an aid credit of 9,187,491 euros, signed in January 2007, this project represents the third phase of the Italian commitment in the area. The objectives of this commitment are linked to supporting resilience in the county, vulnerable to the effects of climate change: over the years an aqueduct and an irrigation perimeter have been built in the town of Sigor, where agricultural activities integrate the traditional pastoral activities.

  2. Relaunch the production of gourmet coffee in Kenya. Approved by the Joint Committee in December 2018, the project aims to set a virtuous path to revitalize the coffee supply chain in Kenya. This goal would be reached not only through the transfer of local knowledge and techniques for improving the quality and quantity of Kenyan coffee, but also by promoting greater awareness of the importance of this crop and by increasing the yield produced by small farmers.

  3. AICS is also carrying out the Go Blue delegated cooperation project, funded by the European Union. In particular, AICS is managing the component aimed at promoting economic growth and strengthening the supply chains of the blue economy. Through Go Blue, AICS intends to promote the development of the fishing and cassava supply chains, two driving sectors for the local economy, and to support the strengthening of the JKP Secretariat, a strategic partner for the implementation of the initiative and responsible for its coordination and monitoring. The initiative is carried out in partnership with the CIHEAM of Bari, responsible for the implementation of the land activities.

On the multilateral level (DGCS), some projects carried out by FAO are underway, including:

  1. Integrated actions for innovative food systems across rural-urban communities (voluntary contribution). The initiative intervenes to improve food security and nutrition by promoting innovation in food systems. With this objective, the initiative focuses on four main axes: (1) governance and food planning, (2) knowledge generation on food systems, (3) actions to support innovative community food systems, and (4) initiatives to replicate good practices at national level.

  2. Enabling inclusive and efficient private sector investments in agrifood systems communities (voluntary contribution). The project was born from voluntary FAO contributions for the year 2019 for the promotion of sustainable investments in agri-food systems in Africa, in order to contribute in the beneficiary countries to economic growth and the promotion of rural employment, in particular for women and young people.

  3. In the environmental sector, AICS Nairobi also supports and finances an initiative entitled "Support for the model of community conservancy in Kenya for an integrated and sustainable protection of biodiversity" which aims to combat the effects of climate change and strengthen environmental protection by promoting involvement of local communities in the management, use and conservation of natural resources in arid and semi-arid areas of high naturalistic interest.