TANZANIA: Launch of the initiative “Diverse Food System: Improving nutrition by supporting a diversified and sustainable food system”

Dodoma, 03/03/2023. On Friday, 3rd of March, we were at the launch event of the project "Diverse Food System: Improvement of nutrition with support for a diversified and sustainable food system", funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (Aics) and implemented by LVIA – Associazione Volontari Internazionali Laici. The project partners are CUAMM – CUAMM – Collegio Universitario Aspiranti Medici Missionari, the local association Mtandao wa Vikundi vya Wakulima Tanzania – MVIWATA and the College of Agriculture of the Sokoine University of Agriculture.

The initiative, which has an expected duration of 3 years, aims to improve the effectiveness and inclusiveness of the food and nutrition security system of the communities residing in the Dodoma region, with a particular focus on the most vulnerable categories of the population such as minors pregnant women etc. Indeed, in the Dodoma Region there are numerous cases of chronic (37.2%) and acute (0.4%) malnutrition and inequality in terms of food security particularly affects women and children.

The event was attended by Paolo Razzini, head of the coordination office of Aics Nairobi in Tanzania, together with government representatives of the districts of Kongwa, Chawmino and Bahi and representatives of partner organizations.
During his speech, Razzini underlined how improving nutrition and increasing food security is a priority sector of Aics. This priority aligns with several strategic development plans and guidelines of the United Republic of Tanzania, such as the National Multisectoral Nutrition Action Plan 2021/22-2025/26, the Tanzania Horticultural Development Strategy (2012-2021), the National Agricultural Plan (2022-2030) and the National Guidelines of Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition.

The direct beneficiaries of the initiative will be about 114,000 people, mainly in rural areas (about 85%), divided as follows: about 21,800 children under 5 will be screened for malnutrition, about 22,400 women and mothers of children under 5 years will be made aware of good hygienic-nutritional practices and gender equality, about 42,000 farmers (of which over 25,200 young people) will be trained and helped to achieve greater production diversification, 3,000 farmers will be supported with capacity building and access to markets for native vegetables and finally, through awareness-raising activities, 20,000 consumers in urban areas will be able to make more informed nutritional choices.

From South Sudan to Uganda in search of protection: a journey beyond borders

We went to Adjumani, a district in Northern Uganda at the border with South Sudan. We have followed the path that refugees take when they enter Uganda, starting from the moment of registration immediately after crossing the border until their arrival in the refugee camps. Where Aics intervenes in support of refugee and host communities

The border

To cross the border between South Sudan and Uganda from the Ugandan district of Amuru, you have to walk on a bridge over a completely dry river, crowded with trucks, motorcycles, animals, sellers of everything, soldiers, dust. From the Ugandan side, we only managed to cover half of it; the South Sudanese military then sent us back.

Every month, hundreds of people cross this bridge fleeing South Sudan, a country still reeling from a 5-year civil war, internal tensions and consecutive years of record floods that have caused one of the most serious humanitarian crises on the continent, with about 2 million internally displaced people and 2.2 million seeking protection in neighbouring countries.

Once passed the strict controls of the military on the bridge, you arrive at the Ugandan border offices. It's hard, even for us, not to feel relieved noticing the huge red sign above the offices: WELCOME TO UGANDA.

Collection Point

Elegu Collection Point is located 300 meters from the bridge. Here, the Ugandan authorities of the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM), the entity managing the refugees’ reception system, together with UNHCR and a medical team register the newly arrived refugees and carry out the first health checks, administering vaccines if necessary, including the one against Covid-19.

Elegu is just one of the access points on the border between Uganda and South Sudan. Francis Kirya from the Ugandan OPM tells us that in Elegu alone they had registered 646 new arrivals in January 2023.

While he’s showing us the identification cards and bracelets to entitle refugees to receive food from the World Food Program (WFP), Francis sees behind us that a South Sudanese family is entering the Center: they walk slowly but decisively. They are nine; seven children, their mother and her brother.

‘How long did you have to travel to get here?’ we ask them, sensing their exhaustion in the burning equatorial heat.

'One month', answers the only boy who speaks English; 'we took a bus that crosses the whole country, we couldn't afford any faster vehicles’.

At the Elegu Center, each family member is registered on a platform through fingerprints. This system serves to identify refugees in a global database, where security checks are carried out by the intelligence services.

In the evening, the family will be taken to the Nyumanzi Reception Centre.

Reception Center and assignment to camps

At the Reception Center, newly registered refugees will spend a few days before being transferred to one of the camps nearby. Each family is assigned temporary housing; there are communal sanitary facilities and WFP daily distributes food aid. There is also an emergency medical center and a small playground for children.

Life in the camps

Uganda is the African country hosting the highest number of refugees: more than 1.5 million according to the 2021 census, of which 65.3% comes from South Sudan. Francis explains that assignments to the different camps are made based on availability and with attention not to mix conflicting tribal groups. Once in the camps, refugees are assigned small plots of land that can be used for subsistence farming.

According to UNHCR data, as of December 2022 Adjumani District alone hosted about 280,000 asylum seekers and refugees, registered in 18 camps. Of those, 86% were women and children. This is precisely the area where the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (Aics) concentrates its activities in support to refugees and hosting communities.

'Through our Civil Society Organizations present on the field and in collaboration with the local authorities, we intervene with training and business creation activities for young people, developing income and livelihood opportunities often through the collaboration between South Sudanese refugees and Ugandan hosting communities. We also promote actions that can facilitate the conditions for an eventual return to the country of origin to help its reconstruction,' explains Giovanni Grandi, head of Aics Office in Nairobi. 'In this way, we support Ugandan policies encouraging the integration of refugees and mitigate possible tensions that may arise between the two cohabiting groups, and which stem mainly from the joint use of the natural resources.'

The adoption of measures to prevent and mitigate tensions between Ugandan and South Sudanese communities is essential where, due to protracted insecurity conditions, the South Sudanese refugee population is gradually settling in Uganda. The story of Grace, 35, is emblematic in this sense: Grace arrived 31 years ago as a refugee in Uganda, and still nowadays she is a resident in Elema camp (Adjumani district). Here, Aics is supporting the realization of infrastructural interventions, including the installation of water supply systems and the renovation of spaces to host community recreational activities. 'These interventions have also helped to reduce conflicts between refugee and host communities,' she says, referring in particular to the well built by Africa Mission - Cooperation and Development (C&S) right behind our backs.

Grace is now a community leader, and she works as a translator at Elema health center, 'because the language barrier often creates problems of understanding between Ugandans and South Sudanese,' she explains. Grace completed primary and secondary education in Uganda. She has five children and has built her own house within the camp. 'The Ugandan refugees’ reception system works, they make refugees feel comfortable. My home, however, remains in South Sudan; my dream is to go back there one day, if there will ever be peace,' she confides to us as she looks far away.


Aics in Uganda intervenes with an emergency initiative aimed at promoting the integration of displaced, returning and refugee South Sudanese populations. The project intervenes in the refugee camps of Adjumani district through the renovation of community centers for young people and women and the construction of new water supply systems. The initiative also promotes agricultural activities and trade to improve the income of refugee families; some activities specifically target the integration between refugees and host communities to support peaceful coexistence. The initiative started in September 2022 and has an expected duration of 20 months; it is implemented by Africa Mission - Cooperation and Development in consortium with the Jesuit Refugee Service.


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The entrance to the Collection Center in Elegu, Northern Uganda ©M. Watsemba/AICS Nairobi

OPM's Francis Kirya explains how the registration process works in the Elegu Center ©M. Watsemba/AICS Nairobi

One of the women's community centers renovated by Aics and C&S at Nyumanzi Camp, Adjumani District ©M. Watsemba/AICS Nairobi

Refugees at the Reception Centre waiting to receive lunch distributed by WFP ©M. Watsemba/AICS Nairobi

A water system financed by Aics at the elementary school of Elema refugee camp, Adjumani district © M. Watsemba/AICS Nairobi

Grace, 35 years old, has lived in Elema refugee camp for 31 years ©M. Watsemba/AICS Nairobi

Grace shows us her home in Elema refugee camp ©M. Watsemba/AICS Nairobi

TANZANIA – Italy delivers IT equipment to support the Tanzania’s statistical system

Dadoma, 01.02.2023. Today, at the presence of the Ambassador of Italy in Tanzania, H.E. Marco Lombardi, the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (Aics)  has delivered to the government of Tanzania some IT equipment, which was foreseen under the Aics-funded initiative named "Improvement of the National Statistical System and support for the creation of the Population Register".

The initiative, managed by the regional office of Aics headquartered in Nairobi aims to contribute to the strengthening of the Tanzanian national statistical system and the population register in two regions of the country, helping to build the information base necessary to govern the socio-economic development processes, to consolidate democratic institutions and to facilitate the formulation, monitoring and evaluation of development programmes. In particular, the purchase of equipment, goods and services was managed directly by Aics Nairobi through the its country representative stationed in Dar el Salaam Paolo Razzini and is aimed at expanding services for the population register, training of the staff of the district offices of the two selected regions, raising awareness of the population on the importance of recording vital statistics.

The event was also reported by Giornale Diplomatico. The article is available here.


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SEMAKENYA II kicks off: the Italian system of development cooperation to promote agroecology and biofuels in Makueni County

Nairobi, 8th december 2022 – This morning the 'SEMAKENYA II' program financed by the Italian Cooperation was officially launched at the Residence of the Italian Ambassador in Nairobi, H.E. Roberto Natali. The initiative will support the introduction of conservation agriculture practices and 'Climate Smart' technologies in Makueni County, located in one of the arid and semi-arid areas of Kenya. The initiative is worth 2 million Euros and will be implemented through the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (CIHEAM Bari) in partnership with the Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization of Kenya (KALRO).

The event counted on the participation of the Governor of Makueni County, H.E. Mutula Kilonzo Jr, the Deputy Director of CIHEAM Bari, Biagio Di Terlizzi and the Managing Director of ENI Kenya, Enrico Tavolini. Among the participants, the Head of the Nairobi Regional Office of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), Giovanni Grandi, and various representatives of the Italian private sector, local institutions and civil society.

'SEMAKENYA II' will be 'a resilient path towards agroecology in Makueni County’ through the promotion of environment-friendly agricultural practices and the valorisation of drought-tolerant local crops, such as legumes and tropical fruits, which also have a strong potential in terms of commercialization on the international markets. Planned activities include the introduction of a digital platform that will directly connect farmers and buyers, with the aim of ensuring a fairer business for farmers and a quality product for consumers.

'SEMAKENYA II' represents the first implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed by Eni Kenya and the Nairobi office of AICS in 2021, regarding the involvement of the "Italian System" of development cooperation and the private sector in the implementation of cooperation initiatives. SEMAKENYA II will contribute to the decarbonisation process implemented by ENI in the country through an initiative supporting the introduction of sustainable oil crops, such as castor, and the opening of processing plants for the extraction of industrial oil. The oil will be subsequently exported to Italy for the production of biofuels, opening up new income opportunities for local farmers.


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H.E. Roberto Natali, the Italian Ambassador in Nairobi, has opened the launch ceremony of the SEMAKENYA II project

Participants at the ceremony included representatives from AICS, from the Embassy of Italy to Kenya, from ENI Kenya, CIHEAM Bari, Makueni County e the Ministry of Agriculture of Kenya

Giovanni Grandi, Head of Aics office in Nairobi, together with H.E. Mutula Kilonzo Jr, Governor of Makueni County, where the SEMAKENYA II project will be implemented