Kenya: Italy Strengthens Commitment to Disaster Risk Reduction

Nairobi, 11 June 2024 – This morning, the Ambassador of Italy to Kenya, Roberto Natali, and the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction, Mr. Kamal Kishore, signed the agreement that initiates the “Strengthening Early Warning and Early Action Systems in Kenya” project. Funded by Italian Cooperation and implemented by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), the initiative aims to improve Kenya’s resilience against natural disasters.

The event saw the participation of Giovanni Grandi, Head of the Regional Office of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) in Nairobi. This project, with an investment of 1.5 million Euros, is part of the efforts by Italian Cooperation to improve governance and coordination mechanisms in disaster risk reduction in Africa. Since 2020, with the support of UNDRR and the African Union, several regional initiatives have been implemented. Among other achievements, these initiatives have enabled the operationalization of the African Multi-Hazard Early Warning and Action System, the first continental-scale warning system for catastrophic phenomena. This system has the potential to save thousands of lives and reduce damage caused by extreme weather and climate events.

“The initiative we are launching today represents a crucial intervention in a country like Kenya, where disaster risk is a growing concern. Italy’s role is certainly helping to guide the transition from disaster management to risk management,” said Ambassador Natali.

Grandi of AICS Nairobi said, “Disaster risk reduction is a priority for the Agency. In East Africa, we are committed to providing humanitarian support to people affected by natural disasters, acting in advance of disasters,  according to the humanitarian-development-peace nexus.”


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