Civil Society

The Italian Cooperation is active in Uganda also through the support to civil society organizations (CSOs) which, rooted in the territory especially in the most remote and rural areas of the country, carry out commendable work assisting the efforts of local communities in the fight against poverty, drought and the lack of adequate educational and health services as well as fostering opportunities for social and economic development.

Currently, AICS finances two projects:

"ForeSeeing Inclusion: Visual Health and Disability Mainstreaming in Northern Uganda" created by CBM Italia in a consortium with Doctors with Africa CUAMM. The initiative, with the aim of improving the access and quality of inclusive ophthalmic services, is based on three fundamental strategic lines: Mobile Ophthalmic Units to reach the most vulnerable categories; ii) the construction of structural works inside the Saint Joseph hospital in Kitgum and the equipment of the Arua hospital (ARRH); iii) The strengthening of the governance system in Visual Health and Disability mainstreaming.

In the start-up phase there is the project named "ALL IN ONE - integrated interventions in the hygienic-sanitary and zootechnical-veterinary fields to combat diseases with epidemic potential with a One Health approach", carried out by Cooperazione e Sviluppo in consortium with Medici con l'Africa CUAMM. The intervention aims, as its title says, to ensure in the Karamoja region, through a series of integrated medical-veterinary actions, support for the health of communities and animal farms, in consideration of the strong coexistence that pastoral populations have traditionally with their own herds.