In Kenya with AICS for the Africities Summit

Resilient territories with quality infrastructures enabled to absorb the impact of shocks and disasters; inclusive cities that are open and accessible to all segments of the population, and in particular women, children, young people and the disabled; circular urban systems offering the opportunity to rethink how we use materials, products and assets, creating value for everyone and reducing the ecological impact. These are just some of the ideas that will be proposed at the stand of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) at the Africities Summit 2022 in Kenya, transporting the public to discover some of the key initiatives implemented by the Agency in Africa in the urban development sector.

AICS will be present at the ninth edition of the Pan-African conference, which will be held from 17 to 21 May in Kisumu. Organized by United Cities and Local Government of Africa (UCGLA), the event has been held on a three-year basis since 1998 in various regions of Africa; in 2022 the theme is "The Role of Intermediary Cities of Africa in the implementation of Agenda 2030 of the United Nations and the African Union Agenda 2063".

In collaboration with AICS headquarters in Rome, and in agreement with the Italian representation in Nairobi, AICS office in Nairobi will participate at Africities with a stand to showcase some of the key initiatives implemented in Africa in the sector of urban development: from Kenya to Tunisia, from Mozambique to Cameroon, from Libya to Sudan to Niger, visitors will have the opportunity to discover systems, processes and territories narrating the strategy of the Agency for the development of African peripheries. The Agency's projects on the African continent will be presented through a series of videos, images and publications from the different foreign offices to explore the action of AICS in the continent.

AICS Nairobi will also participate in the 'Blue economy and intermediate cities' workshop (May 17th) to present the Go Blue initiative financed by the European Union: the Italian component of the program focuses on the promotion of economic growth in coastal urban centres.

> Press release


  • Interactive map

Clicking on the icons it is possible to discover ongoing initiatives supported by AICS in the sector of urban development in Africa that will be showcased at Africities.

• italian version



  • images