People of the Coast
WaPwani ("Gente della Costa", in lingua Swahili) è un tuffo nella realtà; è un viaggio dentro la costa del Kenya con uno sguardo nuovo; un’enciclopedia di storie e testimonianze di donne, uomini e giovani, delle loro rotte e lotte quotidiane, dei loro successi e cambiamenti.
WaPwani ("People of the Coast" in Swahili language) is a dive into reality; it is a sail along the Kenyan coast through a new look; an encyclopedia of stories and testimonies of women, men and young people, their daily routes and struggles, their successes and changes.
I Protagonisti / The Protagonists
I Protagonisti di questo viaggio trasformativo sono giovani, uomini e donne basati nell’area costiera del Kenya. Le loro voci raccontano un’incredibile realtà e vogliono testimoniare un profondo cambiamento. I loro volti sono protagonisti della componente italiana del Programma Go Blue, finanziato dall’Unione Europea e realizzato da AICS per accelerare lo sviluppo dell’economia blu in Kenya.
The protagonists of this transformative journey are young people, men and women based in Kenya coastal area. Their voices tell of an incredible reality and want to witness a profound change. Their faces are the protagonists of the Italian component of the Go Blue Programme, financed by the European Union and realized by AICS to accelerate the development of the blue economy in Kenya.
This webpage was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its content are the sole responsibility of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation in Nairobi and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union